Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Best Investment You Can Make Now

Day 3—Today’s WORD on Money™: The Best Investment You Can Make Now

Yesterday we examined the issue of ownership. The Bible also teaches that God gives us the freedom to accept or reject His authority in our lives. But before proceeding any further, let’s answer the question I’m most frequently asked: “Where is the best place to invest now?”

Earlier, we learned that each person’s eternal soul is worth more than everything on earth (Matthew 16:26). Things are temporary but souls are eternal. In Matthew 13, Jesus tells about a sower who harvests 100 times as much as he planted. In financial terms, that would be like investing $1000 and turning it into $100,000!

Most people think that gambling, not investing, is the only activity that might bring them a hundred-to-one return. Yet the Bible tells us that, instead of relying on “luck”, which really doesn’t even exist, anyone who follows God’s system has the potential to receive a 100-fold return. In other words, God wants all of his children to win, not just one person. So the Bible teaches that only blessings and cursings exist, not good luck and bad luck.

Soon, we’ll cover more on the topic of how to be blessed and not cursed. But in terms of investing, even a brief study of scripture reveals that if we help even one person change his or her eternal destination, we will receive a higher, spiritual return than that very rare person who receives a 100-to-1 monetary return.

Even though Christians should not gamble or rely on games of chance, it does not follow that we should never make financial investments. In fact, Matthew 25:27 teaches that good stewardship requires that we make a profit. Sometimes God may direct us to grow and hold assets for a period of time. But we must remember that the time may come when God asks us to use earthly profits to harvest heavenly treasure. I don’t know about you, but I frequently need to remind myself that God is my source, and not any of the assets that God entrusts to me for a season.

Some of our studies will mention ways to increase our financial profitability, because we are expected to make a monetary profit. But let us never lose sight of the fact that investing in God’s Kingdom is ultimately THE most profitable investment we can make.

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